
Reach the Lost

The Mass Outreach initiative was born from an evangelism training conference. Instead of sending participants home, we decided to organise a large-scale outreach where attendees could apply what they learned.

Transforming Lives Through Engaging Community Mass Outreach

Now, we kick off each outreach with a brief training session that covers the fundamentals of evangelism: how to approach people, start conversations, share the gospel, and guide individuals to Jesus. Participants are grouped into small teams, each led by a designated leader who collects statistics at the end of the outreach. This data helps us measure our impact, including how many people heard the gospel and how many made decisions for Christ.


Data Driven Mass outreach

We also gather contact information from those who respond to the gospel, ensuring they receive follow-up support from local churches for discipleship.

Each outreach culminates in sharing the statistics, followed by a celebration of Jesus with worship and preaching. During these gatherings, we often witness powerful encounters with God, leading many to surrender their lives to Christ.


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We envision replicating these outreach events in major cities and towns across the UK. Each Mass Outreach can reach 250-500 people, resulting in 40-100 decisions for Christ. To date, we have successfully conducted 10 of these initiatives.

250 - 500

our reach

Each Mass Outreach can reach 250-500 people


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Join Our next Mass Outreach event

Check our events page for details on the next Mass Outreach!